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Update - Sedemas went home, had a beautiful foal, but sadly died of colic about 18 mionths after leaving the GHDT.


19th June, 2012 - Sedemas was brought to us with this dreadful wound on her face which had started out as a small wound where someone had thrown a stone at her to stop her eating their crops. The initial wound was not serious and so the owners did not bring her to us immediately. However, as time went on the wound began getting rapidly bigger rather than smaller and the owners started to worry. Her owners walked her about 20km to bring her to our centre for treatment because they realised they needed help. Their hopes were bleak and they thought that she would not be able to recover from the problem. Our team of staff were shocked by the wound, but worked together to come up with an appropriate treatment plan. We were fortunate to have some UK vets out at the time of her admission, and this was a great help! It was discovered that the wound on Sedemas's face had a fungal infection, which was causing the wound to deteriorate rather than improve. Everyone was unsure what the outcome would be but as always our team clubbed together and did the best they could with what was available to them. A large amount of the flesh had to be cut away from the wound each day, and anti-fungal agents applied. Slowly but surely the wound began to improve, despite it being an incredibly difficult place to keep a bandage in place! Sedemas is a very sweet natured horse and dealt extremely well with all the treatment she had to have, which was a real blessing.

Much to everyone's relief, after several weeks the wound had completely healed up, and she has gone back to her very happy and relieved owners. She has also since given birth to a beautiful little foal, and is now regularly brought to one of our weekly mobile clinics for health checks.



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