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March 13th, 2012 - The UN Food and Agriculture Organisation have declared the need for URGENT support in areas of West Africa, including The Gambia, due to a severe food shortage.

Due to poor and unpredictable rain patterns in 2011 the harvest was extremely poor. This has resulted in a shortage of fodder for livestock as well as shortages of food for Gambian families. Numerous families are facing the severe malnutrition and possible starvation. The shortage has also resulted in a dramatic increase in grain and fodder prices, making it extremely difficult for poor farming communities to be able to afford to purchase these items. Urgent action is required to prevent a full-scale food and nutrition crisis.

The farming communities of The Gambia are facing real difficulties, and of course when the people suffer the animals suffer too. In order to prevent the crisis from worsening it is essential that we keep the animals healthy, so that they’re ready and able to work when hopefully the rains start again this year. If the present situation continues, the animals that survive will be in such poor condition from starvation that they will be unable to work, thus creating a downward spiral. The animals are essential to the livelihoods of Gambian farmers – without them the farmers are unable to carry out their farming duties. Malnutrition increases the risk of infection and infectious diseases and is a major risk factor to humans and animals alike.

We are urging all of our supporters to help in any way that you can. If you are able to make a donation to the Gambia Horse and Donkey Trust, however small or large, please do. We try not to send out numerous ‘begging’ letters such as this one, but we really do desperately need your help to enable us to help the farming families in The Gambia through this very difficult time of crisis.

If you are able to donate, you can do so by the following:

* Visit our website Donation page and donate online using the ‘Online Donations’ tabs.

Please also help us to spread the word about the current Food Crisis in The Gambia by visiting our Facebook page and ‘sharing’ the Food Crisis photo album so that we can reach as many people as possible.

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